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Rachel Grace

To begin - Calculate the following

Day of birth + Month of Birth + 6

Example: If you were born on 4th July, the calculation would be,

4 + 7 + 6 = 17

Break down to single digit = 1 + 7 = 8

In this example look at the number 8 below for your monthly forecast.

Hey Magickal One!

The month of Decembers feel is about closing the door, over the past few months we have experienced another wave of covid hit our shores, interest rate rises and the economy in struggle town and many of us want to not only shut the door but lock it, dead bolt it or rip it off its hinges and burn it down. There have been many changes and adaptions needed this year by us all and December is our opportunity to seal it shut. Whenever I feel the need for a new beginning this comes after a major release that is experienced and this month you will experience just that. The beginning of the months Full Moon will be your final time for release and reflection. I cannot express the importance of this moon on offer to us all. There’s no shortage of ways that the stars and planets affect our lives, and each different type of moon can have a serious astrological impact. According to astrology, the cold moon that occurs in December will notably centre around a time of reflection and looking ahead, which is quite fitting as we close out the end of the year and ties in perfectly as always with Numerology.

What is your focus as the year draws to a close then read your own personal number below.


Number ones, it is your time to finish strong across the line and set the foundations for 2023. It’s been a year that has made you a little tired and there isn’t much more to go so it is important to call on all of your energy reserves right now to cross that line. Taking the time to ground your energy, reflect on what was and what is to come will assist in the transition out of this year. You may find yourself over this festive season needing to shift the energy in your home, buy a new Christmas tree or even shake up the actual day with other plans or to hold it at another location. Just go with the flow in the experience and energy that is aligning to move you forward.


Number twos your focus for December is to embrace the new directions and pathways on offer to you. In December there will be loads of invitations and opportunities coming your way but with every step forward in the new direction and a hell yes that you wish to speak it is also necessary to just think about if you can actually take the challenge on. For many number twos you will feel the need to have someone by your side in the decision-making process but this time you need to do it alone. This is needed for your own soul’s truth and path and yours only. It is fantastic to actually have to choose between opportunities where others don’t even receive one so embrace it and don’t see it as a burden. You can do this but just reflect on it a little.


Number threes, December is a chance to stay put! You will feel the need to lock down and be at home. Usually, you are the ones to want to head to others houses over the Christmas season but this year will be a little different. The tone for this month will be around micro connections and embracing those moment with family and friend in your inner circle. While this will feel like a major change on what you are used to it is needed for your soul to see the truth in your connections and shut out all that is occurring beyond your own family dynamics.


Number fours. Reflection on the year that was will be your focus for the month of December. It is needed for you to rest as this year has been challenging for you with twists and turns along the way. Take the time this month to set up your sacred space, surround yourself with items that are meaningful to you and take time for self-care. Meditation will assist in clearing of the mind and journal all the thoughts that have been racing in your mind and release.


Number fives your month will be all about the energy of spending. You may find yourselves going over budget for the Christmas period with present buying and last-minute purchases. You may find yourself running around the shops on Christmas eve for some final touches for the day. It is important to remember that money is an energy stream and what goes out will come back in again so spend wisely but also freely without too much restriction but mindful of what is within your means. Enjoy the energy that you have placed in, and you will also receive what is required for you.


Number sixes for the month of December you will have the feeling of completion. This year has shifted your soul’s path and you have taken the time to reflect on the learning that has come to you from situations and interactions with others. It is graduation time, and a new cycle is upon you which is an exciting place to be. What an opportunity lies ahead of you. During this month you may feel the urge to clean up, shift furniture and shift the energy which is advisable. Smudge your space, use music to bring in the energy you wish to have in your space and enjoy the rewards that will come to you this month.


Number seven, this month the gateway is open for you to step forward. As we have been in the energy of 2023 since late November you have already prepared for this energy. Use the month of December wisely to manifest what is required for a brilliant 2023 for you. Take a manifestation class, learn about energy, the hermetic principles and master your intentions. The new moon will be an amazing time for your desires to be heard by the universe and to place your focus and attention on your goals. This month is all about planting that seed to grow.


Number eights, what is needed to clear from your path from 2022? What is holding you back? What needs to move on and out of your life? These questions will be on your mind as you move through December. It is time to do some serious clearing work to make way for you to life your best life. I know that you may have cut cords to people and situations but is needed for you to take another look into what has been left behind in this process, is there still an energy stream left open. Take a moment to look deeper and then begin to manifest what is needed for you. It is also a great month for you to begin a partnership, collaboration or enlist the assistance of another to help you step out into the world. It will be a month of luck if your attention is on living your truth and best life ever!


Number nine, for you the month of December will be such a fun filled month with festivities and joy. You will be surrounded by those that light up your life and loads of laughter will be on the agenda. If you have no plans over the Christmas period, make them now. Invite people to your home, make plans to go out for dinners and nights out with your tribe. With the busyness of the month remember to live in the moment and don’t forget to take it all in with a deep breath. It will be a month to be remembered as the best from 2022.

with sparkles,

Rachel Grace xo




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